Thursday, 14 January 2016

The Toilet Training Weekend – Pre-training

Last weekend we did some pre-training nappy off time. On a lovely Sunday afternoon I told H he could come and help me in the garden. He was excited by the idea of helping to whipper-snip and mow the lawn, trim the hedges and fix the deck. I wasn’t.

“Come on mate,” I encouraged him. “Let’s take your nappy off and wear some undies.”

In reply to the idea of wearing undies there was a very emphatic “NO, NO, NO!” He was, however, very happy to wear shorts with no undies. Already H has shown more inclination to be a tradesman than his father.

With his plumbers smile and safety goggles on he helped me pull up the rotten piece of decking before supervising me as I put in the new piece of decking. On a number of occasions he told me to stop, as I needed to use the hammer better and not hammer so loudly as it was disturbing his brother. He then decided to enter my shed so that he could wee.

After changing his shorts (still no undies) he came and helped me do the hedge trimming and mowing. H was very happy to climb the ladder and then use my old-fashioned push mower but only without shoes and out of sight of BWM. Up and back he pushed it a few times under my supervision – most definitely doing a better job then his father. He then told me he was finished and disappeared back into my shed - to wee again.

By now it was dinnertime and all the jobs were done. I’d cleaned up the shed (twice) and put everything away. The garden was ready for the upcoming weekend when we decided we were going to go into toilet training 3 day lock-down.

Stay tuned to see who spends more time hiding in the shed – H or his father!

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