I found Neil Keene’s article in Kidspot in
the Daily Telegraph from last weekend most interesting. In the article entitled
“The Father of all dilemmas” he looked at some of the problems stay at home
dads face in developing their support structures.
Much of the article rang true for me as
there have been times I have found it difficult to accepted into other groups
of Mums who are at various activities I attend with my son. On the flip side of
this I am also very lucky in that I know a couple of other dads who are at
different stages of being stay at home dads and I also get to go to footy
training a couple of nights a week and games on Saturdays.
These allow me the opportunity to
experience plenty of what you could refer to as my ‘man’ time.
So, yes; I am
very lucky in being able to have this ‘man’ time. However, that’s actually not
what I really want when I’m out with other kids and their parents (in this case
most likely Mums). I want some help! I want to talk about things such as what
their one year old eats, how do you stop them ripping books off the shelf or do
you leave the toilet door open or not? “Suck it up,” I hear you say, “Talk to
Bread Winning Mum when she gets home.”
Well I do. I even read the internet and look at what people say.
However, I’ve learnt that getting a breadth of opinions from different people
by talking to them is the best way to glean information.
Thanks to Neil’s
article (provided for me by my very helpful Father-in-law) I have started to make some
changes this week. In my first four weeks I have sat back a bit and let things
happen. This week I have made more efforts to engage the mothers I have
encountered at the play centre, at story time, at swimming lessons. In fact
anywhere I have been with my son. Some stand off a bit and don’t want to chat
while others are really great. I had one mum at the play centre this morning
tell me all about how her husband took time off when their first son was born
and she gave me some great advice.
I’m going to
continue to ask questions of all the Mums I meet out there. I’ll try not to be
a pest but it’s important to share and help the dads out too. In return I might
even share my footy tips with you!
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