Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Yoda's quote, unquoted it is.

“You must unlearn what you have learnt.”

It’s taken me a while but I needed at some point in my Slightly Mad Dad to quote Star Wars and especially Yoda. It is my favourite Yoda quote and one I have regularly used when starting the year as a teacher with a new class.

However, Yoda is only my starting point because it’s H who has given me a new version of this quote:

“You must relearn what you have unlearnt.”

Is it paraphrasing, bastardising or just giving the tails to Yoda’s heads? I don’t know the answer to that one but I definitely know that H has made me relearn many things already this year.

What can a one year old teach an adult? Not much about anything of worldly value you would think and that’s probably true. However, he’s taught me to relearn finding great joy in the simplest of things. Things I had unlearned as being interesting or amazing.

I watch H when a plane flies over our house and he gets so excited. It’s just a plane but how many questions are there about planes that you could ask? How does it fly? Who thought of the idea of flying? These are some quick questions that pop into my head because I think maybe in all his excitement that’s what he’s thinking. 

Each morning I make myself a piccolo late at home. It’s a morning routine but one which H finds fascinating. As soon as he hears me near the coffee machine he is climbing my leg wanting to watch. I tamp the beans and he “Ooooohhhhhhhs,” and I ask where did these come from, what has happened to them to get here, what’s their story? Yet when I froth the milk the “Oooooohhhhhhh,” becomes a roared “AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH,” and the arms pump in excitement. It makes me think of the science of heat being applied to the milk and what’s happening as the molecules are heated. A simple everyday task sparks so much curiosity and so many questions.

These are such humble things and they’re not the only ones that get him excited. Seeing a fan spin, or a truck drive by or the joy on his face when he sees his Mum come from work. All these things are simple but they provide so much joy, curiosity and wonder to one so little. By following his lead and relearning to find so much joy, curiosity and wonder in the small things around me I’ve joined H in getting excited about the interesting and amazing in my everyday.

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